Jacqueline Kurio

Jacqueline Kurio PhD is a labyrinth teacher, facilitator, consultant, and researcher. Called into this work following a unitive experience with the ocean following the Tohoku earthquake in Japan in 2011, Jacqueline completed her doctoral studies at the California Institute of Integral Studies where she researched and wrote about the labyrinth as a psycho-spiritual tool able to conjure and facilitate communication with various dimensions of the living cosmos. Jacqueline has worked closely with Peter Reason and Freya Mathews among others, exploring the notion of ontopoetics as a method of practical engagement for relating with the living world. She sees this work as radical and decolonising, serving as it does to break down the illusion of humanity’s separation from, and supposed superiority to, the living whole. You can read more about Jacqueline’s work at Earthly Encounters here on Substack.