Kathleen and the Owls

Since I've been rewilding here, we don't have any natural predators. And so the little rodent population has been taking off big time. My husband and I were having a conversation about this: he said, ‘We need an owl to come and set up shop here’. We looked at designs for owl boxes, thinking, if we build one, they will come. But before we got round to that, I was taking my dog for a walk about a mile down the road, when I heard an owl making its ‘Hoo Hoo’ call. So I answered. And Owl took off from the trees and flew beside us and eventually settled on the land here. That’s quite a big distance to get here. That was in the evening, and I wondered if it would hang around. And I've been hearing them in the mornings and in the evenings since then. They are here. It's been very exciting getting to know this particular Owl, who sort of came when we requested. [A few days later, on going outside] the Barred Owl Strix varia who I recently befriended, greeted me with “who-whoot-who-who.” I returned their greeting to which ki responded again.