Within the Flow...
David Manzi Fe
within the flow there is a story
running jumping swirling water
heart leaps with happiness, head feels light
water streams round stones rocks fallen tree trunks
over dams weirs whirlpools streaming to the great water
bigger waves and vastness.
within the flow there is a story
deep slow flowing water
mind deepens through the shadows into depths
sometimes taken by the current lying grounded
pushing through the mud to find a jewel
seeps into consciousness
sometimes floating near the surface
seeing dimpled light accompanied by other flotsam
within the flow there is a story
does River hold her sentience
are spirits fairy folk speaking in the dusky light
within the sparkles touching passing pilgrims
see what would wish them sing
vibrating in their hearts ‘we are this life
tis us tis us that flows’ throwing off their garments
leap into that darkness held within reflection
and down discover there is no truth
but only longing for a healing that
in the long run is where they are anyway
and us what are we doing here
with words prayers anguish seeking the unanswerable